Service notice for vintage Nikon Coolpix models

Nikon Coolpix Service Notice

Service notice for vintage Nikon Coolpix models - Digital cameras, digital camera reviews, photography views and news newsFebruary 4, 2007 - 09.05 GMT
Nikon Europe has issued a Service Notice for some vintage Nikon Coolpix models. Certain components in the Coolpix 3500, 4500, 5000 and 5400 cameras may fail on rare occasions. Failure is most likely to occur when the camera is used in extreme conditions, such as high temperatures and/or high humidity. Should you experience problems with your camera, please visit an authorized Nikon Service Center to have it inspected. A similar Service Notice has already been issued in 2005 for the Coolpix SQ, 3100 and 5700 models...More