From: Reinder Mulder
I have been visiting your web-site frequently and I like it very much - lots of information! I have been using the RSS-feed for a while now and I'm very satisfied with that too.
The last week I got the same 'news' over and over again - the one about new Leica wide lenses. Is this a sponsored action or is the RSS-mechanism not flagging this news flash as being 'old news'?
thanks, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Reinder, You can rest assured that we will never initiate unsolicited sponsor actions. We have a very restrictive policy regarding advertising & sponsoring, and on our website, only what you see is what you get! We do sometimes update or correct a news item, and this activity can trigger the RSS-mechanism to flag the item as new again. However the new item flag seems to be set occasionally by some quirks of the newsreader too.
Thanks for your nice comments! Sebastian