Professionals of tomorrow

a one-stop-shop for their digi-cam needs

From: Andy Crissell

Yet again I find myself browsing through the website and thought it high time to send you some praise. I am an IT lecturer for an FE college in the South East region particularly teaching multimedia. An obvious part of my teaching is regarding photography and picture editing - Where do I send my students to support their course work - to you lot!

As far as me (and my students) are concerned your a one-stop-shop for their digi-cam needs

Not only does it provide them with camera techniques but links to paint shop pro tutorials, which is also a large part of their course work. But the real bonus is that when they (the students) decide to buy cameras for themselves they know that you're there to help them or to point them in the right direction.

Its great to think your helping the professionals of tomorrow. Keep doing what your doing!


Thanks for your poistive feedback, that's right on; our main goal remains for those newcomers to find all they need to know in the exciting new world of digital photography...
