With the introduction of digital photography, showing your holiday snaps to your family and relatives has come to a totally new dimension. It is no longer necessary to hand photo albums around. In this digital era your relatives can look at your holiday adventures on the Internet at their own leisure and in their own time. It's not only digital photos that can benefit from this service. Your old 35 mm negatives can be scanned and put on CDs to be included in your e-album.
Purpose made software is available to design and compile electronic photo albums. Some even organize your digital images into realistic page-flipping e-albums automatically. These can be put on CD to be shown on your computer screen, sent to relatives world wide by e-mail or posted on a private site on the World Wide Web straight away. You don't have to go to a store to pick up your snaps anymore, but you can download them straight from the web onto your hard drive with your own personal password. Families and friends who know the password, can watch your digital gallery from the comfort of their own home.
If you would like a photo of your loved ones to put on your desk at work, you can buy electronic picture frames. Their built-in memory can store several images to be shown one after the other at predetermined intervals.