The Fuji S5200 / S5600: evolution of a bestseller

The Fujifilm Finepix S5200 / S5600

The Fuji S5200 / S5600: evolution of a bestseller - Digital cameras, digital camera reviews, photography views and news newsJuly 28, 2005 - 07.15 GMT
Fujifilm announces the FinePix S5200 / S5600 Zoom, a mini SLR-style digital camera with long zoom lens. Beneath its robust body lie the sensor enhancements that make the S5200 / S5600 Zoom punch above its weight. Boasting a new 5th Generation five megapixel Super CCD HR sensor and Fujifilm's new Real Photo Technology, the S5200 / S5600 Zoom has the power to capture large images with incredible clarity and detail in a range of lighting conditions...More