Sanyo announces the 5 (10) megapixel Xacti S5

The Sanyo Xacti VPC-S5

Sanyo announces the 5 (10) megapixel Xacti S5 - Digital cameras, digital camera reviews, photography views and news newsMarch 11, 2005 - 8.45 GMT
Sayo announces the Xacti S5, featuring a 2.8x optical zoom lens and a 5.1 megapixel CCD. You can opt to convert the images in the camera (this is achieved through image interpolation) to 10 megapixels (or  3680 x 2760 pixels). The Xacti S5 sports a large, 1.8-inch, low-reflective, LCD color monitor and offers user-friendly functions such as USB-connectivity to a PictBridge-compatible printer, for direct printing of selected pictures...More