New Sigma DP2x Foveon sensor digital camera

Sigma DP2x digital camera

New Sigma DP2x Foveon sensor digital camera - Digital cameras, digital camera reviews, photography views and news newsFebruary 10, 2011 - 10:30 GMT
Sigma announces the new DP2x compact digital camera featuring a 14 megapixel (2,652x1,768 x 3 layers) FOVEON X3 direct image sensor. The camera incorporates AFE (Analog Front End) and high speed auto focus. AFE is also used in the DP1x compact digital camera and SD15 digital SLR and converts full color data, which the FOVEON X3 capture system records, into a digital signal. The new AF algorithm provides high speed auto focus, ensuring convenient shooting. Availability date and price are not yet published...More