New Samsung WB5500 features 26x optical zoom

Samsung WB5500

New Samsung WB5500 features 26x optical zoom - Digital cameras, digital camera reviews, photography views and news newsMay 13, 2010 - 08.15 GMT
Samsung Europe launches the WB5500 digital camera, topping its predecessor, the WB5000 with 2 more megapixels and 2x extra optical zoom. The new WB5500 features a 26x wide-angle optical zoom Schneider-Kreuznach lens (26-676 35mm equiv.), a 1/2.3 inch CCD sensor with a resolution of 14.5 megapixels and sensitivity up to ISO 6400. The camera also allows you to record HD videos with a 720p resolution (1280 x 720 pixels), which can be viewed on television through the integrated HDMI port. Available this month at a price of 429 Euros...More