Samsung launches TL500 with Ultra-Bright f/1.8 lens

Samsung TL500

Samsung launches TL500 with Ultra-Bright f/1.8 lens - Digital cameras, digital camera reviews, photography views and news newsFebruary 21, 2010 - 11.50 GMT
Samsung introduces the 10 Mp TL500, a compact digital camera that incorporates one of the brightest lenses featured on a compact camera, a 24mm ultra wide angle 3x optical zoom Schneider KREUZNACH, f/1.8 lens. The TL500 supports RAW and gives full control over your images thanks to its shutter priority, aperture priority and full Manual shooting modes. The rotating 3-inch AMOLED display will allow you to precisely frame the images the way you want and shoot from any angle, including overhead or low to the-ground shots...More