Sigma releases DP1 firmware update version 1.01

Sigma DP1 firmware version 1.01

Sigma releases DP1 firmware update version 1.01 - Digital cameras, digital camera reviews, photography views and news newsApril 8, 2008 - 10.40 GMT
Sigma announces firmware version 1.01 for the DP1 digital camera. The firmware adds a grid display mode (which cannot be used in MF mode and movie mode) for picture taking is added to the LCD monitor. Additionally, it will improve the stability of the camera's operation.  At the same time Sigma releases an update for Photo Pro 2.5 for Windows and Photo Pro 3.2 for Macintosh where the coloring at the corners of the image generated under a specific condition of the DP1's RAW image has been improved. The update is available now...More