Sanyo Europe announces 7 Megapixel Xacti S70

The Sanyo Xacti S70

Sanyo Europe announces 7 Megapixel Xacti S70 - Digital cameras, digital camera reviews, photography views and news newsApril 22, 2007 - 08.45 GMT
Sanyo Europe launches the Xacti S70 digital camera, a follow-on to the Sanyo Xacti S7, although this new model seems to be a pure cosmetic update, that is when we make a side-by-side comparison of the features and specifications of both cameras. The new S70 is a compact entry level digital camera with a special "First aid" function for beginners, a 3x optical zoom lens, a 2.5 inch LCD monitor, external storage on SD cards, and powered by two AA batteries. The camera is already available on the Internet for a price of only 129 Euro...More