Samsung unveils the L73 and L700 digital camera

The Samsung L73 and L700

Samsung unveils the L73 and L700 digital camera - Digital cameras, digital camera reviews, photography views and news newsJanuary 7, 2007 - 17.30 GMT
Samsung announces the L700, a compact, stylish, digital camera with a metal body, 7 megapixel image resolution, a 3x optical zoom, and a bright 2.5" LCD display. Samsung also announces the L73, a sleek and pocket-sized digital point-and-shoot camera with a 7 megapixel image sensor and a 3x optical zoom lens. The cameras have 20 megabytes of internal memory, and accept SD memory cards up to 4 GB. The L700 has an MSRP of $249.99, the L73 of $299.99. Both cameras will be available in the spring of 2007...More