Steve's Digicams - Digital cameras, digital camera reviews, photography views and news hot links

Steve's Digicams

Steve Sanders, a professional photographer for more than 30 years, is the founder and editor of this popular digital camera Website. Steve's Digicams was created in early 1997 and is one of the oldest though most up-to-date digital cameras sites on the Web. Steve has not followed the trend of making his site "flashier" and hence his website can still be viewed easily, even is your eyesight is no longer 20-20.

Steve publishes daily news updates on the (digital) photography business in his Breaking News page. The extensive scope of his site can be found in the other sections of Steves-Digicams with reviews of a vast range of digital cameras, accessories, printers, scanners and any other related equipment.

In case you're looking for special software, here you'll find the links to nearly all relevant photography programs on the web. The discussion forums provide an opportunity to exchange first hand experiences between beginners and shutterbugs.

Steve's Digicams - Digital cameras, digital camera reviews, photography views and news hot links